What we offer?

Resume Optimization

We tailor our services to meet your unique career aspirations and requirements, ensuring you get the best possible results.

1:1 Assistance Call

We offer ongoing support to ensure your professional profiles remain up-to-date and relevant in the ever-changing job market.

Personalised Job Leads

Our lead generation service quickly connects you with tailored job opportunities for your desired designations.

In today's dynamic job market, distinguishing yourself is essential. Our expertly crafted resumes and optimized LinkedIn profiles ensure you capture the attention of recruiters and hiring managers, providing you with a competitive advantage.

Job hunting can be both time-consuming and exhausting. Our tailored resume services and lead generation solutions allow you to concentrate on interview preparation and skill enhancement, while we manage the job search on your behalf.

We will arrange a meeting to ensure your resume and LinkedIn profile are polished and professional, significantly boosting your confidence. Walk into interviews assured that you are presenting your best self, both on paper and online.

Our services uncover opportunities you might have missed. By creating resumes that emphasize your strengths and optimizing your LinkedIn profile, we help you attract job opportunities that align with your career goals.
Our Commitement

How Team 3Leap will make an Impact?

3Leap empowers students by transforming their resumes and LinkedIn profiles to stand out to employers. We offer personalized assistance, ensuring documents are ATS-friendly and tailored to specific job descriptions. With expert guidance, job leads, and continuous support, 3Leap makes the transition from student to professional seamless and successful.

We are consistanct & supportive

How we works?

Initial Call
step 1
Welcome, You will

Get Idea about us.

Resume Evaluation
step 2
Examine your resume

based on Industiral Standards

Profile Fixing
step 3
Fully ATS-friendly Optimized

Resume & LinkedIn

Tailored Resumes
step 4
Recieve tailored resumes

on Your Wished Job Positions

Jobs Leads
step 5
In Job Hunting, 3Leap will provide

Job leads & Clear Roadmap

Constant Support
step 6
We are here to consult

Your Confusion & Challenges

Happy Students

Spent Hours

Employed Students

Recruiters Ties

Contact Us

Feel free to contact us anytime

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Valid: 31 July 2024

Special Code: LIVEJOB12